Sunday, January 30, 2005


Chilis new build your own burger deal rules! It's so damn good. You get to pick whatever you want on your burger. I made one with:

Pepercrusted beef (2 patties)
garlic mushrooms
ranch dressing
chipolte peper sauce
awsome blossom sauce
jalepeno jack cheese
sliced jalepenos

It was a mess but tasted so good. I actually had to use napkins (normally my jeans will do). I love Chilis! Yea! Food rules!

5 Voices In The Darkness:

Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

That sounds gooooooooooooood!

So, my fellow Stephen King fan, if you had to select your very favorite book by him, could you pick just one? Just curious... I'd have a hard time answering this one myself.

8:17 PM  
Blogger Azathoth100 Screams...

You know, I was thinking about it. I actually left a quick comment on your last post saying maybe Stand or It or even the short story Mist. But in the end I have to go to the one that linked 2 of my favorite writers and pick Stephen Kings story Jerusalems Lot. It was Kings step into H.P.Lovecrafts world. A lot of fun. How about you Jadedprimadonna, what was your favorite?

8:36 PM  
Blogger wwww Screams...

Ohhh we have Stephen King fans in here...

Anybody here read or has a collection of Sidney Sheldon books?

** Only a romantic guy reads Sidney Sheldon books *WINK*

PS- Chilis.. ahh, I cant live without it!

9:35 PM  
Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement Screams...

Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!! what a burger!!!!!!!! What does a heap like that cost? I can't understand how your heart didn't stop. I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

i like chilis too but don't get to go that often. it's on the other side of town. i'm a huge stephen king fan. i'm a member of the king library and look forward to the books each month. i would have to agree that the mist is a very scary short story. i liked salems lot but i found the ending to be rather boring. he killed the vampire with one try, where's the struggle the build-up? it was too easy. and in "it", it was terribly frightening through out the whole book until the end for me. the spider was a let down after having such a creepy clown the whole time. it reminded me too much of shelob from tolkien's return of the king. but hey what do i know?

1:32 PM  

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