I've had this damn computer for a bout a month now and already I'm having problems. It says there a network cable disconnected but I've checked all my wires and they're all plugged in. But It won't let me on Hotmail, E-bay, Peoples bank, or yahoo messenger! Damn machine! I hate technology! At least I can still blog...unless Bloggers having problems! Why did I spend this money again? Anyone?
Hope everyones doing good and I'll try commenting tonight. Peace.
Hope everyones doing good and I'll try commenting tonight. Peace.
AZA, head over to my site and e-mail me hun and I'll see if I can help.
Since you can't get on Yahoo pager do you have MSN or AIM tell me in the e-mail and we'll hook up and I'll try to help.
man that sux!! wish i could help but I am an idiot!! go into the light with alekx she will save you!!!!
I had that same error message.
Only mine PC wouldn't even let me on the net. Everything looked right as rain to me.
So I ran, ranting, back up the money trail. (called the folks collecting the $$$, my ISP, I "guess" -yes. I am that digitally naive to the point of scary)
Told 'em I thought the blue connector wire/cable/thingie they gave me went fizzel.
They scoffed.
I took it in. (twisted chest hairs 'til they said they wouldn't charge me. Hehehehee.)
They called a few hours later said it was ok now.
I picked my stuff back up.
Only change I noticed - was I now had a YELLOW connector/wire/cable thingie.
Seems like we had a very similar problem with a new computer once. The modem was bad. Fortunately, it was still covered and we got a new one free.
Two words. Twelve Gauge!
(As in “Blam-mo”! It will feel grrrrrreat!)
Sweetie, I think it's just a general shutdown of everything! Including people. Remember - daylight savings time is coming soon, full moon friday, there is going to be some eclipse soon. All shit is hitting the fan...
It's gonna stink!
(BTW- thanks for your really kind words on my site my dear. It really means alot to know that there are people out there who care ;-)
Hi J.!!
cant help with the comp know me...I need my son to show me how to do everything!
Hows things?
Despite the sound a little more upbeat..
i hope your computer is fixed soon. i miss you. my starter was messed up on my car monday. maybe it's a weird week for cars and things.