Sunday, May 29, 2005

Ok, enough of that crap..

One key thing about me is that after years of on again/ off again depression I've learned that I have a limit to how long I can stay depressed. If the death of my first girlfriend, my moms cancer, and the ongoing pain of the Demon can't get me to shoot myself, Then I just ain't going to. So after about a week of being in the darkness I'm back. Thats what being truly stubborn is all about. Lots of thanks to those who left best wishes here in blogland, and to those outside of blog land who noticed something amiss and brought me beer, food, and boobies. It's hard to stay sad with boobies around. I'm sorry for the lack of commenting on everyones site recently, but I'm back and will be doing my best to stay caught up. Also sorry I missed this past fridays random 10. Hope everyones doing good and I'll post again tom for Memorial day. Peace eveyone and have a BBq on me! Now then. I'm off to take a look around the blogs......

Oh, and to anyone who hasn't, check out Nickalodeans DVD of INVADER ZIM (3 differant ones)! It's funny as hell and everyone deserves to see GIR in action. 'It's me! I was the turkey all along!' He's Zim's insane robot sidekick, and he is as random as BM!

7 Voices In The Darkness:

Blogger Dorko Screams...

Peace, Love and Grapenuts Baby!

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

i'm so glad that you are back. i have missed you. please don't stay away for so long.

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

Love ya Az, denny's was fun....

PS: Who brought you boobies?

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

Glad you're back, Az!!! I usually have a nice little bout of creativity when I come out of one of those phases. People in one of my doctoral classes said I was using the wrong word when I described perseverance as being stubborn. I think they just didn't really know what I meant. Sometimes being stubborn is a very good thing, I think.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous Screams...

When I die, I'd like that line on my tomb stone: "It's hard to stay sad with boobies around"

11:05 PM  
Blogger BM, The Necessary Movement Screams...

hEY!!! Welcome back! Thanx for that compliment!! When are you coming over for horror movies again??

8:41 AM  
Blogger The Creeping Unknown Screams...

Aza, RB, it's the quote of the century for sure. Glad you are back we missed you!

4:49 PM  

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