On a Rainy December Day
So it's been a bit of up and downs lately. No news from the doctor on how bad my Mom's cancer might be. No news from Yale on the job. We have an offer on the house finally, which means we might have to move out before Christmas. (and I just finished putting up all the holiday decorations too). Just feel like things are stangnant right now, waiting around for anything to happen.
Ok, while I was writing this the doctor called. He can find no signs of cancer in my Mom. If it is there it's so small that he can't see it. He;'s still going to go over it again with another doctor, but so far it looks good.
Man, thats a wieght and a half lifted at least.
Thank you all for your support during this crap, it means a lot to me.
I'm going to go sit with my Mom for a bit, my post will wait for now.
Ok, while I was writing this the doctor called. He can find no signs of cancer in my Mom. If it is there it's so small that he can't see it. He;'s still going to go over it again with another doctor, but so far it looks good.
Man, thats a wieght and a half lifted at least.
Thank you all for your support during this crap, it means a lot to me.
I'm going to go sit with my Mom for a bit, my post will wait for now.
Thank goodness! So, that's one thing, at least. Now, I hope Yale gives you a call before I can post this comment.
Thats awesome about your moms!!!! No find is a good find!!! Keep happy in the present!!! Thanks for helping kate out again today!! your a fuckin life saver!!!!!
Random music friday!!!
1. Fuckemos ~ Barf Baby
2. Minutemen ~ History Lesson PT. 2
3. Madeleine Peyroux ~ J’ai Deux Amours
4. Thalia Zedek ~ 1926
5. Alice Donut ~ Sinead O’Connor on the T.V.
6. Nat King Cole ~ Too Young
7. John Coltrane ~ Midriff
8. The Misfits ~ 20 Eyes
9. Slayer ~ Seasons in the Abyss
10. Pit bulls in the nursery ~ Lunatic Factory
11. The Lemon Heads ~ Die Right Now
12. DJ TRON ~ Blood Pressure
13. Bjork ~ Pagan Poetry
Awesome to hear about your mom. Tell her to keep up the good work. :) Hope all else turns out well too.
Yes a post can always wait. Spending time with a loved one should take all priority. hehehee
Glad to hear the news hun.
I know!!! It is a weird place to be kissed isn't it? an odd place. haha. Thanks for the comment. I enjoy your comments their very helarious sometimes. :D
Awesome news!! I've so very glad!