While I was at work today one of her songs played. When I shut my eyes I could see her singing it. "
Walk on the ocean, step on the stone, flesh becomes water, wood becomes bone". I know where she is right now. I could be there in 15 min. I could see her again. But I fight the urge, like I do every Tuesday night.
This has been a bad week so far. Out of 4 people I was supposed to see 3 of them fell through. Not thier fault. Life happens, I know that. But one of my co-workers juts had to be a prick and say "
maybe they just don't want to hang with you". This is the nature of parinoia. I know it's not true. But the mind starts to work. See, one of the sad facts about me is I don't like myself much. The man I see in the mirror and I just don't get along. There is only one thing about myself I've ever been proud of. That;'s the fact that I make a good friend. It's the only thing I have ever believed completely. But the darkness comes and it makes me question it. If so many can walk away so easily then maybe it's because there not leaving anything worth having. I love my friends, and I know that they care about me. But I've heard so many times the words "
I'll always be here and always care and always want you in my life". Always. It's a word so easy to say. Yet time and again those same people move on without me. With each of them they take a piece of my heart. Yes, I am a romantic and a (as Jay put it) mooshy person. I givemy heart easily and trust people completely. There are so many out there who carry pieces of my heart frther away with each passing day. The words they said meant nothing. The Demon has done it so many times over the last 14 years. Heaven left after 9 years of saying how much I meant to her and how she'd always love me. T just stopped talking to me one day for no reason, after all those years when I was just about her only friend. I invest so much of myself into people only for them to make me feel like I'm worthless. If I'm such a good friend and they care so much how can they just walk away? So I keep smiling even through the darkness. But it does show if you know what to look for. I gave up poetry, even though I was good enough to win a Hallmark contest to get one of my poems on a card (still have a copy of the card somewhere.). I gave up writing even though I had been published and had an editor call me the best young writer he had seen in years. I stopped drawing (this I wasn't too good at. But I enjoyed it). I eat too much, I've put on so much damn weight over the last year. Whats worse is I'm smart enough to know that I'm doing all this self-destructive stuff, but yet I still do it. I'll sit there eating something I know I shouldn't and in my head I'm yelling at myself to stop. I'll tell myself over and over I need to get exercise, but I don't do it. It's like I'm daring my body to explode. I made a promise so many years ago that I'd never end my own life, and I won't. I haven't heard that call in a long time now and I know in my heart I'm here till life's done with me. But I do dumb stuff that is slowly taking a toll on myself. Both body and heart. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I get hurt on purpose. Like some twisted payback upon myself. I don't know. I fell so damn old and worn out. Thin almost, like a rubber band streached too far. Hah, me thin, that'll be the day. Hell, I've come close once or twice on almost giving up this blog. Just signing on and deleting it. I enjoy comming on and reading everyone's stuff and hearing from people and everything. I love all of you, as if I haven't said that enough. Yet when the darkness comes it blocks out everything else. At one point I threw out all my photographs. I love my photos, but if my Dad hadn't found them when he went to take out the garbage and pull them out they'd all be gone now. It's like a part of me wants to just destroy my life. Destroy myself.
But I don't. Guess in some ways I'm just too damn stubborn. I don't know how to just give up sometimes. It's that small part of me that made me put down the bottle when I realized I was getting way too far down inside it. The part that makes me get up each morning and go to a job I hate. The part that calls people to stay in touch even when I haven't heard from them in a while and know that if I don't call they won't call me. The part that sends x-mas cards to all those who have walked away. The part that keeps those old promises. The part that stops me from punching the mirror when I see myself in it. The part that hopes maybe someday they'll come back, all of them.
Midget called me at work today. In the middle of talking, as he appoliogized for being so busy and not getting together for a while (not his fault, he manages a video game store), he thanked me for being such a good friend all these years. I told him not to mention it. Maybe instead I should have told him it's little things like that that help keep that small part of me alive. I don't do what I do for thanks, but sometimes it is nice to hear anyways.